8 Weeks to an Organized Craft Space | Week 8

We are on the final week of 8 Weeks to an Organized Craft Space. That means you are almost there! All of your supplies should be organized and your tabletops wiped off and clean. If you are still going through the process, that's okay too. When it comes to organization, it is all about progress over perfection. You might be asking, "with my space now organized and clean, what could be left?" Well, we think it's a pretty fun part of the process...

Week 8: Decorate Your Space

It's time to make your space...you! It might be a favorite accent color, favorite picture, antique, sentimental item, or a decor piece that adds that special touch to your creative space. Have a little fun decorating this week. It's also a great time to test out your new layout. If something doesn't feel right, don't be afraid to make adjustments. Remember, your space is unique to you and your personal workflow. Do what works best for you!

Tips for Decorating Your Craft Space:

  • Don't be afraid to use your supplies as a decor item (ex. buttons in glass jars, ink pads displayed, etc.). 
  • Plants and wicker provide texture to your space. 
  • Inspirational signs and quotes are a great way to unleash motivation. 
  • While comfort is the priority, your chair can also accent your space. 
  • Colorful rugs add a splash of color and creativity to your space.